Steps to Implement Generative AI In Customer Support

Is your customer support stuck in the past? With the power of generative AI, it's time to future-proof your operations.

In this blog post, we'll show you the concrete steps to implement this game-changing technology in your business. From assessing your needs to training your AI assistants, we've got you covered with practical, actionable advice.

Get ready to offer your customers a more personalized, efficient, and engaging support experience. By the time you're done reading, you'll have a solid plan to start using the incredible potential of generative AI.

What is Generative AI?

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, rather than just analyzing or processing existing information. It shares the same concepts as that of Regenerative AI.

The key thing that sets Generative AI apart from Traditional AI is its ability to generate completely original output, rather than just searching databases or following set rules. It uses advanced language models and machine learning algorithms to essentially "imagine" new content from scratch.

This makes generative AI incredibly powerful for all sorts of applications, especially customer service and support.

Examples of Generative AI in Customer Support

Generative AI in Customer Support

Examples of Generative AI in Customer Support include AI chatbots that can handle common inquiries like order status updates, product information, and troubleshooting steps. These bots provide customers with instant responses 24/7. 

For more complex issues, the chatbot can gather relevant details and then seamlessly transfer the customer to a human agent, who can use Generative AI to draft a personalized response quickly. Generative AI can also be used to automatically generate knowledge base articles, FAQs, and email templates.

Additionally, Generative AI can analyze customer conversations to identify common pain points and inform product improvements or new features. 

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Benefit of Generative AI in Customer Support

First and foremost, generative AI can help you provide faster, more personalized support. Instead of forcing customers to use rigid chatbots or sit on hold for ages, generative AI systems can dynamically craft unique responses tailored to each individual's needs. 

Another huge perk is improved efficiency and cost savings. With a generative AI assistant handling routine inquiries and tasks, your human support reps can focus on more complex problems that really need a personal touch. 

However, perhaps the most exciting benefit is the potential to deliver a truly exceptional customer experience. Generative AI allows you to offer natural, empathetic, and engaging support - almost as if your customers are chatting with a knowledgeable, friendly human. This can go a long way in building trust, loyalty, and overall customer satisfaction.

Steps to Implement Generative AI In Customer Support

Generative AI In Customer Support

Step 1. Identify Repetitive Tasks

The first step to implementing generative AI in customer support is understanding the repetitive tasks that take valuable agent time. Identify the constant questions and frequent issues that can be addressed with a set of clear instructions or solutions.

Imagine a customer asking, "How do I reset my password?"  This is a perfect candidate for AI workflow automation.

Step 2. Collect Data

Several generative AI models are available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. 

Next, gather the data that will fuel your AI's learning. This includes past customer support interactions, like chat logs, email exchanges, and resolved tickets. These conversations, which can be stored in your cloud collaboration software, can show the AI how human agents have successfully addressed customer concerns.

Step 3. Choose a Generative AI Model

With the data collected, it's time to choose the right generative AI model or choose from the popular Generative AI tools for your needs. There are various models available, each with its strengths. 

Consider the specific tasks you want the AI to handle and choose a model that excels in those areas. For instance, a popular model like GPT-3 might be a good starting point, but more specialized models could be suited to your industry.

Consider exploring solutions offered by platforms like Frequentli. This fast-emerging Generative AI tool is designed to provide a smooth customer self-service experience. 

Frequentli is a comprehensive knowledge base for your business. It helps customers find answers to frequently asked questions and troubleshoot common problems independently. 

This can help you save money on customer support resources by deflecting simple inquiries.

It is also very easy to use and integrate into three simple steps.

Just enter the website URL or upload product documentation. Wait for our Frequentli’s AI to crawl your website and understand your documentation. Lastly, export and install your Frequentli widget on your website differently. Customize the look and feel to match your brand.

And do you know what's best? It can capture free leads over time and provide customers with the most accurate and relevant answers possible.

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Step 4. Train and Fine-tune the Generative AI Model

Now comes the training phase! Here, you feed the collected data (step 2) into your chosen generative AI model (step 3). This allows the AI to analyze the patterns in past customer support interactions and learn to craft helpful and relevant responses. 

Imagine the AI being trained on thousands of conversations where a customer asks, "How do I reset my password?" and the support agent provides step-by-step instructions. The AI learns to identify this question and generate similar instructions for future customers.

Step 5. Integrate the Model into Your Support System

Once the model is trained, it's time to integrate it into your existing customer support system. Connect the trained model to your website chat platform or ticketing system, essentially creating your AI-powered customer support assistant. 

Imagine integrating the AI into your company's website chat window so customers can interact with the AI for basic questions and troubleshooting.

Step 6. Monitor and Improve

The final step is crucial – monitor and improve your generative AI. Keep an eye on its performance, gather customer and support agent feedback, and use this information to fine-tune the AI's responses. AI customer support can track how many customer inquiries are resolved by the AI chatbot. 

Ask customers for feedback on their experience with the AI. This information will help you identify areas for improvement and ensure your AI continues to deliver a positive customer experience.

Also read 5 Unique Business Benefits of Generative AI You Don't Know Yet

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, Generative AI can significantly improve your customer support. It automates repetitive tasks, personalizes interactions, and empowers customers to find solutions faster. This frees up your support team to handle complex issues and provide exceptional service.

Platforms like Frequentli simplify integrating generative AI. They offer user-friendly tools with features like easy integration, customizable branding, and continuous improvement. This ensures your AI adapts as your customer base grows, providing accurate and relevant information.

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