How to Regenerate AI Text? Tips & Tools 2024

AI Wrote This? Let's Fix It!

AI writing tools are powerful, but they can also produce bland, repetitive content. Have you ever struggled to make AI-generated text sound human? You're not alone. 

But thankfully, you’re reading this! In this guide offers actionable advice and cutting-edge tools to elevate your AI content to new heights. Discover how to turn robotic text into compelling copy.

What is AI-generated Content?

AI-generated Content

AI-generated content is text, images, videos, or other media created by artificial intelligence algorithms. These Generative AI algorithms are trained on vast amounts of data to learn patterns and generate new content based on given AI prompts or instructions.  

For example, an AI can generate articles, write code, create artwork, or even compose music.

Are AI-Generated Text Good?

Unfortunately, some AI-generated content that is not prompted well often lacks originality, creativity, and depth, as it relies heavily on existing data patterns. This can lead to generic, repetitive content that lacks the nuance and emotional connection of human writing. 

Additionally, AI models can generate inaccurate or misleading information, raising ethical concerns about plagiarism, copyright, and the spread of misinformation. You may check some of the common challenges in using Generative AI to know more.

So, while AI can be a useful tool, it's equally important to use it with human expertise to ensure quality, accuracy, and originality.

But don’t lose hope. There are some tips and tricks that you can try to humanize your AI-generated content, and we’ll discuss them in the sections below.

What is a Regenerated AI Text?

Regenerated AI text refers to AI-generated content that has been modified or improved through further processing. 

Essentially, Regenerative AI includes the process of refining raw AI-generated output into a higher-quality, more human-like piece of text. 

So if you’re worried that your generated AI text is plagiarized or misleading, here are some ways that you can do to humanize this AI text.

Also read Key Differences: Regenerative AI vs. Generative AI

How to Humanize AI Text

How to Humanize AI Text

AI-generated text can be a powerful tool, but it often lacks the warmth and personality of human writing. Here are some strategies to infuse your AI content with a human touch while still maintaining your unique voice:

1. Inject Personality and Emotion:

  • Speak Your Audience's Language: Go beyond generic phrases and tailor your language to resonate with your readers. Are you writing for a tech-savvy audience? Feel free to use industry jargon. Targeting a younger demographic? Sprinkle in some emojis (used sparingly!) or popular internet slang.

  • Embrace Contractions and Idioms: People don't always talk in complete, formal sentences. Use contractions like "won't" instead of "will not" and incorporate well-known idioms like "it's raining cats and dogs" to sound more natural.

  • Show, Don't Be Afraid to Be Bold (Sometimes): Instead of "The product is effective," describe a personal anecdote: "This stain remover saved my life (and favorite shirt) after a rogue ice cream incident!" This injects humor and a relatable story, making your content more memorable.

Remember: While some humor and informality can go a long way, always maintain a tone that aligns with your brand and purpose.


  • AI: Our fitness tracker is designed for people who want to improve their health.

  • Humanized: Feeling sluggish? This fitness tracker is your secret weapon to getting healthy and feeling awesome (seriously, those activity reports are super motivating!).

2. Add Sensory Details

AI text often lacks vivid descriptions that engage the senses. Here's how to add depth and create a more immersive experience for your reader:

  • Go Beyond the Basics: Instead of "The coffee was hot," describe the rich, dark coffee swirling in the mug. Paint a picture with words: the steam rising in wispy tendrils, carrying a warm, nutty aroma that fills the air and promises a jolt of energy.

  • Appeal to Multiple Senses: Don't restrict yourself to sight and smell. Describe the satisfying clink of the spoon against the ceramic mug, the smooth warmth cradled in your hands, and the bitter yet invigorating taste that wakes up your taste buds.

  • Tailor Descriptions to Your Audience: Are you writing about a travel destination? Describe the soft, white sand between your toes, the gentle crash of waves against the shore, and the salty tang on your lips.

Remember: Consider your brand voice and target audience when choosing sensory details.

Bonus Tip: Check out this resource for more inspiration: How to Humanize AI Text |


  • AI: The restaurant had a nice atmosphere.

  • Humanized: Stepping into the restaurant was like entering a warm hug. The air buzzed with lively chatter, and the scent of sizzling garlic and fresh herbs filled your senses. Soft jazz music played in the background, creating a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

Check out How  to Write an AI Prompt to Get Killer Results

3. Use Active Voice

AI-generated text often leans heavily on passive voice constructions. Here's how to switch things up and inject dynamism:

  • Flip the Script: Instead of "The report was written by the team," say "The team wrote the report." This simple change puts the focus on the doer and makes your writing more direct and engaging.

  • Highlight Action: Focus on verbs that show action. "The presentation delivered valuable insights" is stronger than "Valuable insights were delivered in the presentation."

Remember: There's always a place for passive voice for emphasis or sentence flow, but active voice generally makes writing more dynamic and easier to read. 

4. Vary Your Sentence Structure

Long blocks of text can be a snoozefest. Here's how to add variety and improve readability:

  • Mix it Up: Avoid combining short, punchy statements with longer, more descriptive sentences. This creates a natural rhythm and keeps your reader hooked.

  • Experiment with Length: A string of short sentences can add urgency and excitement, while a well-crafted longer sentence can build anticipation and flow.

  • Question It Up: Consider incorporating rhetorical questions to engage your reader and prompt reflection.

Remember: Read your content aloud to check for flow and identify monotonous sentence structures. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a variety of sentence lengths and structures.

5. Share Personal Anecdotes

AI text can feel impersonal and distant, but you can build a connection by using this strategy. Here's how to bridge the gap and connect with your readers:

Think about a personal experience related to your topic. Did a specific product change your life? Did a travel destination leave a lasting impression? Share your story in a way that resonates with your audience.

Don't be afraid to show a little vulnerability. Sharing a relatable struggle or a humorous anecdote can captivate to your readers and make your content more memorable.


  • AI: Learning a new language can be beneficial.

  • Humanized: I always felt intimidated by the idea of learning a new language. But after a trip to Italy, where I could barely order a pizza, I decided to take the plunge. It's been a challenging but rewarding journey, and now I can actually hold a conversation with the locals! (Plus, navigating foreign menus is a breeze.)

Tools to Regenerate AI Text

Aside from using these strategies to humanize AI text, there are AI tools that you can use to complement your AI text regeneration:

1. Grammarly

Known primarily for its grammar and spelling checks, Grammarly has advanced to offer AI-powered writing suggestions. It can help with:

  • Rephrasing Sentences: Grammarly analyzes the structure and flow of your sentences and suggests alternative phrasing that improves clarity and readability.

  • Enhancing Clarity: It identifies overly complex sentences and suggests breaking them down into simpler, easier-to-understand parts.

  • Tone Adjustment: Grammarly can help you adjust the overall tone of your writing, making AI-generated content sound more formal, casual, friendly, or persuasive as needed.


Originally an AI content generator, Jasper (formerly Jarvis) also offers tools to refine and improve existing text. Its features can help with:

  • Paraphrasing and Rephrasing: Jasper can rewrite portions of your AI-generated content while preserving the original meaning.

  • Tone Adjustment: Similar to Grammarly, Jasper can help you adjust the tone of your text to match your desired style and audience.

  • Content Expansion and Summarization: Jasper offers features to expand on specific points or create summaries of your AI-generated content, providing versatility in reworking it.

3. ReText.AI

ReText.AI is another versatile writing tool that uses artificial intelligence to help you improve your text in a variety of ways.

  • Paraphrasing: ReText.AI can rephrase your sentences to improve clarity, avoid redundancy, or simply find a different way to say something.

  • Synonymizer: Stuck for the right word? ReText.AI suggests synonyms for individual words, helping you create more varied and engaging text without sacrificing meaning.  

  • Summarization: Need to condense a lengthy text? ReText.AI can create summaries that capture the essential points while keeping the content concise and easy to understand.

  • Text Extension: Want to expand on your ideas? ReText.AI identifies words and phrases where you can add more detail, suggesting options to increase the size and richness of 

  • Neurochat: Neurochat uses AI to generate posts based on your specifications, including length, style, main content, and hashtags. 

ReText.AI also uses AI to create original content based on your input, avoiding plagiarism concerns.

4. Deep AI Text Generator

Deep AI’s Text Generator uses advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) to create human-quality text. It's more than just a text generator; it can generate text, complete sentences, and predict content based on your input.  

  • Contextual Understanding: Generate text that aligns with the given context, making it an ideal tool for various writing tasks.

  • Genius Mode (Pro): Has the full potential of our AI with enhanced capabilities, including improved reasoning, accuracy, and creativity.  

  • Online Mode: Access real-time information from the web to generate even more informative and relevant text.  

Deep AI processes your input and utilizes its vast knowledge base to generate text that meets your requirements. 

4. QuillBot

This tool specializes in paraphrasing and summarizing text, making it a great choice for reworking AI-generated content to sound more natural and original. Here's how QuillBot can be helpful:

  • Synonymy and Paraphrasing: QuillBot analyzes your text and suggests synonyms for individual words or entire phrases. This allows you to replace repetitive or overly technical language in your AI-generated content with more engaging and natural alternatives.

  • Multiple Paraphrase Options: QuillBot goes beyond simple word swaps. It offers various paraphrasing modes, ranging from "Standard" (minor changes) to "Creative" (more substantial rewrites). You can choose the level of variation that best suits your needs.

  • Maintain Original Meaning: While paraphrasing, QuillBot aims to preserve the core meaning of your text. This ensures that your reworked content retains its accuracy while sounding fresher and more human-like.

By leveraging QuillBot's paraphrasing capabilities, you can effectively breathe new life into AI-generated text.


Similar to QuillBot, offers a set of tools to modify AI-generated text. Here's what it can do:

  • Sentence Structure Variations: provides options to restructure sentences in your AI-generated content. This can involve changing the sentence order, splitting complex sentences, or combining short sentences for improved flow and readability.

  • Advanced Synonym Selection: Like QuillBot, offers synonym suggestions. However, it goes a step further by allowing you to choose synonyms based on context and desired tone (formal, informal, etc.).

  • Grammar and Readability Checks: also incorporates basic grammar checks and readability scoring to ensure your reworked content is polished and understandable.

Tips to Make AI Text Undetectable

Disclaimer: While these tips can help make AI-generated text appear more human-like, there's no guaranteed method to bypass AI detection tools completely. It’s important tools constantly evolve, and what works today might not work tomorrow.

Here are some general strategies in addition to the strategies above:

  • Introduce Errors: Intentionally introduce minor grammatical errors or typos to disrupt AI detection patterns. However, be cautious, as too many errors can make the text appear unprofessional.

  • Change Word Order: Rearrange sentences or phrases to avoid predictable sentence structures.

  • Substitute Synonyms: Replace common words with synonyms to vary vocabulary and reduce keyword density.

  • Self-Check: Use AI detection tools to identify areas where the text still sounds like AI.

  • Iterative Improvement: Continuously refine the text based on the tool's feedback.

  • Hybrid Approach: Use AI as a starting point and then manually edit and enhance the text.

  • Human-in-the-Loop: Have a human review and modify the AI-generated content to add a personal touch.

  • Proofread Carefully: Ensure the final text is free of errors and inconsistencies.

  • Incorporate Contradictions and Ambiguities: Human writing often contains contradictions, ambiguities, and nuances. Introduce these elements into your text to make it more authentic.

  • Consider Using Dialects or Accents: If appropriate for your target audience, incorporating regional dialects or accents can add a distinct human touch and make the text less robotic.

Remember: The goal is to create high-quality, engaging content that reads naturally. Overly manipulating text can make it sound unnatural and inauthentic.


How to get AI to rewrite text?

To get AI to rewrite the text, input your original text into an AI writing tool and provide clear instructions on how you want the text modified (e.g., change tone, style, or length).

Can Quillbot be detected?

Yes, Quillbot can be detected. While it's designed to paraphrase text and make it sound original, advanced AI detection tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated at identifying AI-generated or modified content.

How to humanize AI content Grammarly?

To humanize AI content using Grammarly, focus on its tone and clarity suggestions. Grammarly can help identify overly formal or robotic language and suggest more natural alternatives.

How to use AI without plagiarizing?

To use AI without plagiarizing, treat it as a research tool, not a writer. Use AI to gather information and generate ideas, but always verify information, paraphrase heavily, and cite sources properly.

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