Capture 30% more leads with
an AI-powered FAQ
Frequentli catches your users' doubts and answers them in seconds increasing website conversion and engagement by 30%.
Try For Free
Capture 30% more leads with
an AI-powered FAQ
Frequentli catches your users' doubts and answers them in seconds increasing website conversion and engagement by 30%.
Try For Free
Capture 30% more leads with
an AI-powered FAQ
Frequentli catches your users' doubts and answers them in seconds increasing website conversion and engagement by 30%.
Try For Free
The problem
The problem
The problem
Over 70% of your website visitors have product inquiries before they purchase.
You're leaving money on the table by not answering their product inquiries quickly.
You're leaving money on the table by not answering their product inquiries quickly.
You're leaving money on the table by not answering their product inquiries quickly.
You can't put everything on your landing page.
And most of your users want to self-serve
You can't put everything on your landing page.
And most of your users want to self-serve
You can't put everything on your landing page.
And most of your users want to self-serve
Our widget enables access to information about your product within seconds.
Our widget enables access to information about your product within seconds.
FAQs and Knowledge Bases are old.
FAQs and Knowledge Bases are old.
FAQs and Knowledge Bases are old.
Static FAQs can hold only a few premeditated questions. Knowledge Bases take time to read. Our widget knows everything about your product so your customers can ask any type of question and get answered right away.
Static FAQs can hold only a few premeditated questions. Knowledge Bases take time to read. Our widget knows everything about your product so your customers can ask any type of question and get answered right away.
Intuitive Interface
Intuitive Interface
Intuitive Interface
How it works
In just 3 steps, you've set up your website's Frequentli widget.
In just 3 steps, you've set up
your website's Frequentli widget.
In just 3 steps, you've set up your website's Frequentli widget.
Step 1
Enter website url or upload product documentations.
Step 1
Enter website url or upload product documentations.
Step 2
Wait for our AI to crawl your website and understand your documentations.
Step 2
Wait for our AI to crawl your website and understand your documentations.
Step 3
Export and install your Frequentli widget on your website in different ways.
Step 3
Export and install your Frequentli widget on your website in different ways.